Retirement Planning


We focus on keeping your nest egg as safe as possible, free from market volatility, while still participating in market growth.


Many retirees underestimate the impact a big market loss may have on their future income. The time you take now may provide years of comfort, free from worries about your income and savings. After all, don’t you have other things that you’d rather be doing than worrying about your money??


Today’s challenge is to make your retirement nest egg generate enough income to last for the rest of your life.

  • If a couple is 65 years of age today, there is more than 50% chance one of them will live to age 95. 22% chance to age 100.
  • Many Americans will spend as much as a third of their lives in retirement.


Today’s challenge is how to make your nest egg last for 25-35 years or more. Retirement income can be the biggest financial worry in the United States.


Let us help you create a retirement income to last a lifetime.


Senior Resource Group and Dextor Saylor do not provide tax and/or legal advice, but will work with your attorney or independent tax or legal advisor. In the event that you do not have your own attorney or tax professional we will partner with local CPA firms to provide tax services.